Yanjimi Peter Rowlands
Born about 1944
Manyjilijarra, Kartujarra language groups, Purungu skin group
Parnngurr community
Martumili Artists
Yanjimi was born at Kalypa (Well 23) on the Canning Stock Route, and his dreaming is associated with the Seven Sisters story for this site. In 1948 his family moved to Jigalong mission. He now lives in Parnngurr community with his wife, children and grandchildren. Yanjimi visited Singapore in 2008 as part of the first group of Martu artists to stage an international art exhibition.
Lake Disappointment
2008, by Yanjimi Peter Rowlands
acrylic on canvas, 75×36 cm
Martumili Artists
National Museum of Australia
From there Nganyangu lived and walked in with other Ngayurnangalku and he became a bodyguard for the good people from Ngayurnangalku… with his two wife and his two sons… the all bodyguards, they all maparn [magic man] people.